A Restless Spirit: The Story of Robert Frost

by Natalie S. Bober. Nonfiction. 192 pages. Grades 6-9.
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Details of Frost’s life, with an accent on his great love for his long-suffering wife Elinor, are told clearly and sometimes lyrically, interweaving excerpts from his work and photographs of him as well as of friends and family. Something of the man’s torment and guilt is related as well: the death and unhappiness of so many of those he loved or who loved him took their toll.

The ever-changing houses and locales to which he led his family boggles the mind, but his restlessness and determination to succeed as a poet took precedence over everything else and Elinor lent her will to his. Bober’s portrait of the kindly, devoted father and teacher is at odds with some accounts we’ve heard or read, but she avoids the common error made by some biographers for young people of glossing over all unpleasantness and faults.

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