Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Newsletter

Volume 2, Number 4. October, 1997. Page 5.

Written by Carol Hurst. Edited by Rebecca Otis.

This issue of the Children's Literature Newsletter is sponsored by:
Carol Hurst, Consultants.
Bringing storytelling and language arts to your workshop, conference and classroom.

Notes From the Road

Since last we met, I've been working on a CD ROM project, a 3000 title data base for teachers and librarians. I hope to combine that with theme and subject materials to help educators use trade books productively with the curriculum. If I can find the right publisher for it, I think there's a strong market for it. That's been occupying most of my time, but there was time to drive down for a visit to Phyllis Naylor's house in Bethesda, Maryland where she hosted a dinner party for Lois Lowry. Lois's book "The Giver" has been on Publisher's Weekly paperback seller list for so long Phyllis thought some sort of celebration was in order. Also present were members of Phyllis's writing group, thoroughly delightful people with such varied backgrounds that the conversation went far beyond children's books. The group meets once a week to critique each other's work and to share their latest efforts. The bad part was not enough time to get to know Mary Downing Hahn, one of my favorite authors.

There was also not enough time to enjoy Phyllis's hospitality because the next morning I drove up to Auburn, New York to conduct an in-service for teachers and librarians. Lots of laughter, some shared books and activities and a particularly rousing rendition of "Pachycephalasaurus" by the audience.

Last week Lois & I went to Montana together to speak at the Montana Reading Association. The scenery was spectacular and the audiences, enthusiastic. Now off to Milwaukee for the first week of November.

See you around.

- Carol Hurst


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